I want to be organized. I really do. I dream about it all the time. I dream about having my own space where I can put my stuff where i want it. Luckily for me, that eventuality is soon to become an actuality! In the meantime...sigh. I have so much crap, and so much to do, and therefore no time or motivation to organize said crap.
Here's a taste of my to do list:
-clean room.
-KEEP IT CLEAN (this is a continuous project that is only done sporadically at best.)
Okay, I need to comment about this. I am an inherently disorganized person who has forced herself to become organized enough to function in the adult world. This translates into my keeping up the appearance of orderliness. I keep public spaces clean. I put my dishes in the dishwasher right after I use them; I take my shoes to my room; I turn off lights; I lock doors. But for whatever reason, my room is a neglected space. Why? I don't know. Maybe, like Virginia Woolf, I just need "a room of my own" where my spontaneity and right-brainedness can live unfettered for a while until my superego tells me that the state of my room is no longer acceptable. the short of it is, sometimes it's really nice to just take off your clothes and LEAVE them on the floor and go to bed without some annoying little voice in the back of your head saying "pick it up. You'll regret it later if you dont." And I invariably do. Moving on...
-get a couch
-get a bed
-get a life! (some of my friends are beginning to believe I've died and they've missed the funeral.)
-pay rent.
-pay it again. (sell extraneous contract...ahem...)
-pay various parties back money I owe them
-work like crazy until June 26 to fill up 100 extra hours available to me at work
-get announcements out.
-etc. ("Et Cetera" happens to be a very important item.)
oops! and don't forget...
-get wedding band
-get an assortment of ribbons and frills i have to give to various event planners
-AND, get the ONLY thing we really need in the first place viz. the marriage license
I'm sorry for such a disappointingly short and (oh horrors!) disorganized blog post after such protracted silence. But thus is my life. Thus is the life I'm trying to turn into my new life.
I'll probably make a greater effort to blog over the next while. ("Probably" being the operative word.)
“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” -Sylvia Plath
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probably . . . hmmm, i suspect this will be the final post or next-to-final post for a while. other more pressing matters must be addressed, as you listed well here. good luck!
hahaha... i enjoyed this post. Let me know what I can do to help! Also, we need to plan some bridal shower fun!
Congratulations on planning a wedding! I very much understand the long long lists that accompany the wedding planning, and life in general (particularly the et cetera as mentioned). This is my first official notice of your engagement (I don't count family gossip) and would love a post on the happenings of how it happened..I am a romantic....and I can wait until after the wedding. Wahoo for you!
ahh... the joys of changing ones previous life over to a new one. A very messy process if I do say so myself.
You're sounding very adultish. Organized? It's overrated. It gives one hives and headaches. I'm so sorry that you're entering this world of organization. Ah, it's so frustrating when things ACTUALLY need to get done. But somehow, the essential things always do. Funny that. And what good essential things they are too. Happiest of essential things.
Pear, I just read your blog entries from February on. Thanks for the inner view.
I love you.
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