Sunday, April 5, 2009

Two cellphones and three years later...

...I finally learned how to use predictive text, today! This revolutionizes the whole way i think about AND use the text messaging mechanism on my cellular phone! I have been living in the Stone Age! I've been in Darkness! Positively Medeaval have been my texting ways!

But now...

Now! I need no longer fear receiving or responding to text messages! No longer need I fear the small beep of an incoming text message! No longer need I dread the 7 and 9 keys for having four letters! No lngr nd I wrt lke ths! ltrs wer nevr so wndrfl! Indeed! The dread of responding has been lifted from my shoulders! Lifted, I say!

Life! i have been given life! Now, my text messaging takes flight!


shan1420 said...

what a beautiful thing! I love texting thanks to predictive text.

Lindsay Mecham said...

Erin, I love this post. Hilarious.

Unknown said...

i hate predictive text! still can't figure it out since its always uses the word i DO NOT want!


Nobody blogs anymore, and nobody reads blogs anymore, so I suppose here is as good a place as any to empty the contents of my bruised heart....